For the time being, I no longer have postdoctoral positions open in my group because of limited funds and time.
I am always interested in hiring graduate students! In particular, the SCOPED project funds a PhD researcher. Marine guarantees a 5 year funding. To support that, Marine will start with internal funds, will mentor the student to apply to federal graduate student fellowships, and NSF project grants.
The group is highly motivated to host undergraduate researchers! Several specific projects are posted here. Marine supports research experience using hourly-rate compensation throughout the year, and or through fellowship and other opportunities.
If you are interested in working with us as a PhD student or postdoc, please read our group guidelines here.
For PhD applications, look over the ESS webpage here. We do not take GREs anymore, but TOEFL scores are still necessary.
I do not take Master Students.
If you are interested in visiting us for a few months, whether you have financial support or not, please email Marine for opportunities.